"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
We're asked this at such a young age on creating a goal on what we aspire to become when we're older. Most of us will reach for the stars and say an MLB player, an astronaut or the president. Although, I had one in mind all my life which was becoming a teacher. I was one of the people that always had this in my mind, and that I was going to do it. I felt that I was really focused on this idea, and I never thought of any other options besides this.
Flash towards my junior year of high school, I started to research into running my own business, and learned that I had a passion towards the business world as well. I never would have imagined at this time that I would change my career path because I was so vocal towards what I aspired to become, ever since I was a child. Although, the support of others and where I want to be by having an impact on this world can either be towards directly being a positive impact or through a community-based business. I then decided to change what I was going to go for in school. Although with the change of heart later on has allowed me to experiment with other factors through business.
It seems crazy when deciding your major in college or getting your first real adult job, it feels that you will be doing this forever, although thats not always the case. See, by changing my career path I will always still have a passion towards becoming a teacher but I learned that nobody has to decide what they are going to be doing for the rest of their life right now. Although it seems that way when going to college, but we will always still be growing and finding other options once we are out of college. We will always be developing, learning and growing towards a new position, a new career and even a new life because we're always adjusting. I've learned throughout the years, that it's okay not to go on the general path that everyone goes on or stay with the same field all the time. People change their career during college and even decide to go back to school sometimes and thats okay. Life is a part of finding your own way through enjoyment of your career, balancing aspects of life but it will always be a journey and thats the exciting part about it.
A saying that I tell myself when i'm in this type of mindset is:
Don't feel that you have to rush life, you have time, enjoy it.